Hi! I'm PJ Milani (aka "milanicreative"), and I created the visual metaphor that led you to this page.
You can find me on:
My ethos
The best way to keep up with my work is to subscribe to my Visual I.D.E.A.s newsletter.
Thank you for appreciating my work! ❤️
P.S. - If you're curious how to make your own visuals like this consider checking out my Thinking in Visual Metaphors course below.
P.P.S. The general guidelines I ask if supporters would like to share my work with their audience is below. If you're a fan of this kind of work and you'd like to support artists, please read carefully and please follow the guidelines.
Whenever unsure, please ask.
How do you make stuff like this?
It took me a long time to learn everything I know and I've distilled it all down so you can learn it in 3 weeks in my course: "Thinking in Visual Metaphors"
You can check it out here if you're curious:
How do I share your visuals on LinkedIn?
-- Recent Work (7 days or less)--
The best way to support my work and my ability to continue making more visual metaphors is to reshare the original posts.
-- Past Work (more than 7 days)--
Please inside the post attribute credit with the following best practices:
✅ near the top 3 lines of the post, a clear message communicating "this image illustrated by" with an @ before the "Pejman Milani" (essentially a link back to my account for people interested in learning more about where the image came from)
❌ Do not alter the image — no logos, no filters, no crops, no added text in the image. Keep and include my watermark. Removing it is a violation of copyright.
❌ Do not place AFTER hashtags
❌ Do not place attribution in the comments.
❌ Emojis ( 📷 or 🌅, etc.) are unclear so please do not use them as substitutes for attribution.
❌ Please do not use images to sell a product or service as this will go out of bounds of what I’m comfortable with.
❌ Lastly, please do not post carousels of more than one piece of my work at a a time as this usually creates confusions in audiences (despite credit) and creates a cascade of problems for me in terms of other people crediting properly in the future.
For use in other contexts like company websites, presentations, commercial use, the images are licensed before being cleared for use.
How do I share your visuals on X (Twitter)?
Recent work (less than week): Please retweet original tweet
How do I share your visuals on Instagram?
Please only reshare my original post in your stories
Subscribe to the Visual I.D.E.A.s newsletter to get 4 of my favorite visuals every 2 weeks.